
    Global Visa Processing Times

    發表在 16 Mar 2017 來源 The DIBP

    Processing times are now available for the majority of visa subclasses, but will exclude a few subclasses such as those closed to new entrants, capped and queued, or which have a low volume of applications. Two processing times are displayed, indicating how long it is taking to finalise 75 and 90 per cent of applications submitted globally.


    State Nomination - Western Australia

    發表在 14 Mar 2017 來源 The DIBP

    Skilled Migration Western Australia has announced the following....


    Waiting time for Remaining Relative and Aged Dependent Relative visa

    發表在 7 Mar 2017 來源 The DIBP

    Based on current planning levels and the allocation of the majority of the Other Family places to the Carer visa category...
